• বৃহস্পতিবার , ৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫

United Airways(BD)Ltd Price Sensitive Information

প্রকাশিত: ২:৪১ পিএম, ২০ জুন ১৬ , সোমবার

নিউজটি পড়া হয়েছে ১৪৪ বার

This is for kind information of all concerned that Bangladesh Security and Exchange united-airways-atr-72-www.jatirkhantha.com.bdCommission has accorded consent on 01 June 2016 to raise the paid up capital of United Airways (BD) Ltd of Tk.400,80,88,000/-(Four Hundred Crore Eighty Lakh Eight Eighty Eight Thousand) only through issuance of .400,80,88,000 ordinary shares of tk. 10/- each in which 31,28,08,800 ordinary shares of Tk.10/-each will be issued to swift Air  Cargo pte limited,4,80,00,000, ordinary shares of tk. 10/- each to phoenix Aircraft Leasing pte ltd and 4,00,00,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10/- each to TAC Aviation limited against purchase of Aircraft and current lease liabilities.

United air prece Sensative informationUnited Airways (BD) Ltd
Price Sensitive Information

This is for kind information of all concerned that Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commision has accorded consent to United Airways (BD) Limited on June 16, 2016 through issuance of Coupon Bearing Secured Cumulative Fully Redeemable Band of Tk.2,24,00,000,00 (Taka Two Hundred Twenth four Crore) Only.

The proceeds of the bonds will be utilized for down payment of procurement of aircraft, havy maintenance of existing aircraft,equipment and transports,payment of civil Aviation dues,payment of bank loans, construction of office building, issue related expences and miscellaneous expenses.

The total issue price of bonds TK.2,24,00,00,000,00, Facevalue of each bond: TK.1,00,00,000,00.lot size of each bond: 01 (one),Total number of lots: 224.

SD/  Asraf MahmudA cting Company Secretary
Dated: June 16,2016

Plese Chalk-https://jatirkhantha.com.bd/united-add/