• বৃহস্পতিবার , ৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫

Mostafiz Discover Bangladeshi Denim

প্রকাশিত: ৮:৪০ পিএম, ১২ নভেম্বর ১৭ , রোববার

নিউজটি পড়া হয়েছে ২৬২ বার

Denim Innovation Night (2)

Shafiq Rahman  :     Md Mostafiz Uddin Discover Bangladeshi Denim. He is the Leading pioneer of invention Bangladeshi Denim. He played a great roll in the 7th edition of Bangladesh Denim Expo.  His dynamic activities draw the  attention of international bussinessmen .

Denim Innovation Night (7)He has been successfully completed the 7th edition of Bangladesh Denim Expo at International Convention City Bashundhara, Dhaka. He is the Managing Director of Denim Expert Ltd, Bangladesh Denim Expo CEO & Founder. A total of 65 exhibitors from 12 countries such as  Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, HongKong, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, and Vietnam displayed their products in the 2-day show held on 8th and 9th November.

Bangladesh Denim Expo (6)Over 5123 visitors and buyers from 1015 companies & 51 countries from around the world joined the expo the theme of which was ‘Transparency’ this year.

A greater number of exhibitors from Bangladesh joined this edition of the expo to provide a genuine insight into the capabilities of the country’s denim industry. Among them were Ananta, Dekko, Pacific Jeans and Bitopi — the four front-runners of denim garment manufacturers of.

Bangladesh Denim Expo (4)One of the important reasons to visit Bangladesh Denim Expo is to gain knowledge and latest updates of denim development through its seminars and sessions. As transparency is the core of this edition of the expo and its series of seminars also let the visitors learn about the process of the transparent denim manufacturing. A total of seven seminars and one panel discussion were organized in the expo where international and national experts shared their opinions.

Denim Innovation Night (4)This edition highlighted the need for transparency within the entire denim supply chain, while showing the progresses already made by Bangladeshi denim mills and factories in term of transparency through several activities and special events including: Transparency wall, virtual tour of transparent manufacturing, display of outfits made transparently, expanded trend zone etc.

Bangladesh Denim Expo (2)A special event titled of “Denim innovation night” was presented by Pacific Jeans Group, the largest producer of premium denim in Bangladesh, in the evening of the first day of the Expo.

IMG_2701This evening was celebrated to mark the beginning of a new era of ‘Made in Bangladesh’ denim in global fashion and trend arena. It highlighted the capability of Bangladesh in innovative design and creative presentation of denim wears. The first ever fashion show organized in Bangladesh of such a scale and international caliber got a wide appreciation from visitors.